Boarding schools are a preferable choice for parents who need their kids to learn away from distractions. Besides, the institutions offer high-quality education and equip learners with a wide range of skills. If you want to enrol your child in a boarding school, read the excerpt below for some essential pointers. 

Assess The Location Of The School

The school's location may not be vital to some parents since the child will not commute home regularly. However, it is a critical consideration since you might want to check up on your child regularly. Besides, the location of the school will significantly affect the area's climate. For instance, it could be that your child is allergic to specific environments. You should also check the school's accessibility. For example, you could have trouble visiting the school if it is far from the major roads. 

Check The School's Mission Statement And Rules

The school's mission statement will give insights into the school community and the values that your child will gain when at the facility. For example, schools affiliated with a specific religion could teach kids some religious teachings. On the other hand, some schools are inclined towards fostering the child's artistic skills. 

Some of your concerns when evaluating the school rules should include: 

  • Are children expected to wear a particular uniform? If not, what items are restricted as part of the dress code?
  • How much school fees will you pay? Are the fees paid in lump sum or instalments? What happens if you do not pay the fees on time?
  • If the school is co-educational, inquire how the school management manages relations between students.
  • Examine the school's health policy? For example, are parents required to submit health information? What happens when a student falls sick? Does the school have a school nurse or trusted medical institutions where they take ill kids? 

Examine The School's Academic History

The school's academic history is a sure way to evaluate the experience and skills of teachers at the facility. Besides, it enables you to establish whether your child's performance will increase while at school. 

You should also check the co-curricular activities that the school provides. For example, if your child is an excellent swimmer, they would be happy to join a school with a swimming pool. Other co-curricular activities to look out for include tennis and special interests groups such as theatre, music and charity clubs. 

When choosing a boarding school, assess its location, mission statement, school rules, academic history and co-curricular activities. 
